Technical Artist

Hi, I am Nathan Spandorf. I was born in Berkeley, California and grew up in the Bay Area. I come from a family of both technically and artistically minded people. My mom is a painter and my dad is a technician so I grew up with a interesting mix of hobbies.
While in high school, I wasn't sure where this half logical and half artistic mindset would fit in. I wasn't interested enough in math to be an engineer and I was too technical to be a fine artist. Then, a teacher that I will never forget introduced me to Autodesk Maya. I instantly fell in love with modeling. It was amazing to me that I could bring whole worlds to life from my imagination.
I went to Rochester Institute of Technology and studied biotechnology but quickly realized that I needed to follow my true passion. For the next year I spent every moment I could learning. After gaining a basic understanding and becoming comfortable with the production pipeline, I realized I missed the Bay Area. I found Ex'pression College in Emeryville, and decided it would be a good fit for me. It didn't hurt that it was right next door to Pixar.
I got my Bachelor's of Applied Science after a three year accelerated program. I learned how to work in a studio environment and create professional quality assets. I had a lot of great teachers and peers who taught me vital skills. While in school, I took on a few freelance jobs. These jobs gave me a sense of what it was like to work at a professional level.
Right after I graduated, I began working at Steel Wool Studios. There, I've had the privilege to work alongside many incredibly talented artists. I have adapted as this company grew, starting as a 3d modeler I have moved into the role of 3D lead. I have worn many hats and have earned opportunities that have accelerated my career into what it is today. It has not always been easy but I am eternally grateful for the path that steel wool has allowed me to take. This is an amazing company that truly cares for me on a personal and professional level.
I am looking forward to the future and am excited to see what I will be creating next!